In this thrilling film, Daniel Craig delivers his fifth and final performance as James Bond. After leaving active service, Bond retires to a peaceful life until he receives a letter from an old friend in the CIA asking for help. The mission takes Bond on a whole new adventure where he discovers dangerous, unseen technologies. The film hits box offices Oct. 8.
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Following the smash success of 2015’s All the Light We Cannot See, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction, Anthony Doerr returns with Cloud Cuckoo Land. This historical/science fiction novel follows 13-year-old Anna who lives in Constantinople and makes a living by embroidering priests’ robes. The young heroine teaches herself to read, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities and insights. The things she will then discover will have you on the edge of your seat.
A rebirth of Rockmill Tavern, Bandit Pizza & Pairings by Rockmill features a combination of artisanal pizzas and beer and wine favorites. The pizzas include creative toppings such as Thai peanut chicken, Angus sirloin, marinated lobster meat and much more. Bandit is open for takeout Wed.-Sun. from 4-9 p.m.
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Megan Roth is an editorial assistant. Feedback welcome at