An adaptation of Frank Herbert’s science fiction novel, the film follows the Atreides family as they embark on a journey on the foreign planet of Arrakis, also known as Dune. Arrakis is home to the most valuable substance in the universe - melange, which is said to prolong human life and enhance cognitive abilities. A thrilling story that explores the complex interactions of politics, religion, ecology, technology and human emotion. A must-see film, Dune hits HBO Max on Oct. 21 and the box office on Oct. 22.
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Esteemed naturalist Jane Goodall seeks to provide readers with a sense of hope in the climate of today’s world. The book centers around the science behind hope itself by considering the entire human experience: what does it mean to be human? How can we build a better world? Goodall reminds us that, despite our day-to-day struggles, there is always hope, and guides us to it.
Recently included in The New York Times’s list of the 50 most vibrant and delicious restaurants in 2021, Chapman’s Eat Market in German Village comes with raving reviews. The menu features savory pasta, meats, curry-inspired dishes and more.
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Megan Roth is an editorial assistant. Feedback welcome at