Julia tells the story of the renowned cookbook author and television star Julia Child. With archive footage of Child herself, the film highlights the ways she changed the way we view food, television and even women. The film hits theaters Nov. 12.
If you're looking to hone in on the contributions our military following Veterans Day, consider Netflix’s original documentary series Medal of Honor.
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The beloved American actor, rapper and film producer opens up about his life in his newest book, Will. He tells his life story, starting from his childhood in West Philadelphia. Co-authored by Mark Manson, Smith’s autobiography is one of self-knowledge and wisdom.
Barcelona, located in German Village, continues its 25th anniversary celebration. Owner Scott Heimlich has strived to preserve the integrity of the restaurant's more than 100-year-old building while serving up fine Spanish cuisine. Barcelona's menu features tapas, paellas, chorizo and much more.
For events going on this weekend in central Ohio, read our picks and previews.
Megan Roth is an editorial assistant. Feedback welcome at