A coming-of-age film directed by George Clooney, The Tender Bar follows J.R. Moehinger who, following his father's disappearance shortly after J.R.'s birth, seeks paternal support from his Uncle Charlie. A charismatic bar owner, Uncle Charlie introduces J.R. to the bar’s fascinating regulars.
Noah Hawley, a writer for FX’s Fargo and Fox’s Bones, releases the first big novel of 2022. Set in the current United States, Anthem follows Simon Oliver as he joins a woman and a prophet on a mysterious quest.
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With BBQ and award-winning brisket, Kool Daddy’s BBQ is definitely the place to get your southern comfort food fix. The menu features sandwiches, meats by the pound and slab, tacos, and classic southern sides including mac 'n' cheese and corn pudding.
For events going on this weekend in central Ohio, read our picks and previews.
Megan Roth is an editorial assistant. Feedback welcome at