Set in 1925, The Power of the Dog follows Phil Burbank, a notoriously prickly man living in the ranches of Montana. However, when his brother, George, marries a single mother, Phil starts to take a liking to the boy and his macho identity is challenged. The film can be streamed on Netflix or at Gateway Film Center.
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E.J. Levy’s latest historical fiction novel tells the story of Jonathan Mirandus Perry, a woman who becomes a man in order to pursue a medical career, eventually becoming a renowned doctor. He discovers newfound freedom in his new life and embarks on a range of adventures in his career and romantic life.
Recently opened Catrina Mexican Cuisine has bee praised for its genuine and authentic Mexican cuisine, is a great place to satisfy your taco cravings. Pick a seat near the bar to watch your food being made. The menu features burritos, tacos, tequila and much more that all come in generous portion sizes.
For events going on this weekend in central Ohio, read our picks and previews.
Megan Roth is an editorial assistant. Feedback welcome at