For the first time in the Spider-Man cinematic universe history, Spider-Man’s identity is revealed. When he enlists the help of Doctor Strange to help conceal his identity in Spider-Man: No Way Home, a whole new world of powerful villains emerges, creating unprecedented obstacles for Peter to overcome.
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In her first adult fiction novel, A History of Wild Places, New York Times bestselling author Shea Ernshaw takes readers on the journey of Travis Wren, who possesses a talent to locate missing people. When he is hired to take on the case of a well-established author of dark and gruesome children’s books, he embarks on a mysterious and thrilling journey.
Newly opened at North Market Bridge Park, Black Radish Creamery’s menu changes weekly depending on what local items are in season. The menu features handcrafted artisan cheeses; award-winning fruit preserves; and unique assortments of artisan crackers, oils and dried fruits. There are grab-and-go options as well, including fried cheese curds, paninis, soups and salads.
For events going on this weekend in central Ohio, read our picks and previews.
Megan Roth is an editorial assistant. Feedback welcome at