Buster and Mary Jane's Painting Book. Richard F. Outcault, 1907
Richard F. Outcault was a Lancaster, Ohio native and comic strip pioneer. Buster and Mary Jane's Painting Book was among the earliest coloring books published.
We have all heard the story from our parents about walking 15 miles home in the freezing cold weather. Oh, and it was uphill both ways. Beginning Sept. 10 you have a chance to come see the truth behind all of those stories in An Ohio Childhood: 200 Years of Growing Up.
The Lancaster-based Decorative Arts Center of Ohio’s Historic District will be home to the exhibit from Sept. 10 until Dec. 31. Presented by PNC Arts Alive, this new exhibit illustrates what life as a child in Ohio has looked like over the past 200 years. Both rural and urban lives are represented through more than 100 objects like photographs, paintings, textiles, toys, furniture and other everyday items.
An Ohio Childhood: 200 Years of Growing Up, co-curated by Andrew Richmond and Hollie Davis, is designed with a child’s experience in mind. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to accompany children through the exhibit to connect their personal experiences to the depictions.
“It’s a great way to integrate whole families into an arts event,” says exhibition co-curator Andrew Richmond. “It’s an exhibition about kids, and it’s in part designed for kids. It’s a great way to get kids thinking about and interacting with arts and decorative arts in a way that they haven’t before.”
The exhibit will also include hands-on activities for kids and their families to enjoy such as coloring with Crayola crayons and Etch-a-Sketch, both of which were invented in Ohio. There is also an app designed specifically for the exhibit that offers additional information to visitors and chances to win prizes.
Admission is free. The Decorative Arts Center is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, and 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays. If you are interested in exploring the exhibit with a large group, reservations of 10 or more people can be made by emailing Judith Oppenheimer at oppenheimer@decartsohio.org. For information about programs and classes associated with this exhibition, visit www.decartsohio.org or call 740-681-1423.
Jenny Wise is a contributing writer. Feedback welcome at gbishop@cityscenemediagroup.com.