Images courtesy of Hinson Ltd
A major effort under way at The Ohio State University aims not just to establish a visible entrance to the campus, but to make that entrance a hub of arts activity at the university.
Plans call for that entrance to be the intersection of 15th Avenue and High Street. It’s the nexus of the campus and the University District, and it’s long been the heart of the area, so it’s past time to re-establish it, says Keith Myers, vice president of planning and real estate at OSU.
“Our aspiration is to be an international model of engagement,” says OSU Provost Bruce McPheron.
The plan – which does not yet have a timeline or full funding – was created through a partnership between OSU and Campus Partners.

15th and High is already right next door to some of OSU’s major arts endeavors, including Sullivant Hall, home of the university’s department of dance and Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, and the Wexner Center for the Arts. The new plan could possibly also incorporate the theater program, which needs to be moved out of Drake Hall due to flood planning, and the music program, which is running out of space at Weigel Hall.
“I think it’s about creating density and critical mass … the way that you find it at many communities’ cultural arts centers,” says Sherri Geldin, Wexner Center director.
Planners also want to relocate some of the Wexner Center’s underground space to street level and clear a path from High so the Oval is visible from the street.

On the east side of the intersection, plans call for a new university square, as well as new restaurants and retail stores and a new hotel. They also call for $30 million in infrastructure investment, including sewer realignment and burial of utilities.
“It’s about creating a new destination at this historic location that will (form) the pulse of this community,” Myers says.
Garth Bishop is managing editor. Feedback welcome at gbishop@cityscenemediagroup.com.