Photo courtesy of Napoleon Fireplaces
Feel the Heat
Fireplaces merge the aesthetic and practical to warm up a room
Whether it’s for decorative or practical purposes, a fireplace in a home evokes a sort of deep, primal comfort.
The warmth and the light draw the eye, and the cheery flames can make a home a haven during cold days and nights.
With the variety of models available, finding a style and type of fireplace that’s best suited to your home can be a simple process. If you love that crackling sound, opt for a wood-burning fireplace. If you like the heat and the light but don’t want the hassle, perhaps a gas-burning fireplace is more your speed.
CityScene picked our favorite examples of fireplaces in both traditional and contemporary styles. Look at them long enough, and you’ll find yourself yearning for a comfortable sofa and that ambient atmosphere that can only be achieved through firelight.
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Feel the Heat
This direct vent Ascent™X 36 fireplace includes a realistic log set and a glowing ember bed. The design features clean lines that keep the focus on the flames themselves.
Photo courtesy of Napoleon Fireplaces
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Feel the Heat
The dark color of this High Country NZ7000 Wood Burning Fireplace really emphasizes the fire box. And the storage spot on the right keeps logs tidy while displaying them in a way that adds a bit of texture to the overall design.
Photo courtesy of Napoleon Fireplaces
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Feel the Heat
This modern looking Vector ™ 50-inch Linear Gas Fireplace provides a sleek accent to a room made bright by both ample lighting and a fresh color palette.
Photo courtesy of Napoleon Fireplaces
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Feel the Heat
This Heatilator Novus direct vent, gas log insert fireplace features dry stack cultured stone.
Photo courtesy of J.S. Brown & Co.
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Feel the Heat
This Heatilator Caliber direct-vent, double-sided gas fireplace is creatively placed in the corner of the room to create a small alcove.
Photo courtesy of J.S. Brown & Co.
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Feel the Heat
The other side of the Heatilator Caliber direct-vent, double-sided gas fireplace creates a cozy atmosphere for this bathtub.
Photo courtesy of J.S. Brown & Co.
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Feel the Heat
Original to the home, this masonry fireplace was done in a period style. The traditional theme is completed with accessories including the throw rug, chairs and light fixtures.
Photo courtesy of J.S. Brown & Co.
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Todd Yarrington
Feel the Heat
The limestone in this masonry fireplace with gas logs creates a beautiful backdrop for the mantle.
Photo courtesy of J.S. Brown & Co.
Sarah Sole is an editor. Feedback welcome at gbishop@cityscenemediagroup.com.
-Elaborate fireplace at a Truberry home