Technology has found its way into many facets of daily life, whether it be personal communication, videography or the simple sharing of cat pictures.
Now, it has wriggled its way into the health realm by way of smartphone apps.
“Apps are very good for people who are just starting up,” says Bill DeStefano, partner at Metro Fitness Gyms, which uses smartphone technology for some of its in-house machines. “They help monitor your activity, keep you consistent and hold you personally accountable.”
Apps make for a fun and easy way to get motivated for workouts, but as an individual progresses and becomes more serious, he or she should turn to the helping hand of a physical trainer, DeStefano says.
“I would only take sound advice from someone with certification,” he says. “It’s hard to distinguish how many calories you're burning and consuming. It's a gauge, so it’s not completely accurate.”
From running to calorie counting, there’s something for everyone in the online marketplace. Load up some of these and inspire personal fitness motivation.
Barcodes and Barbells
Complete with a day-to-day calorie intake and burn tracker, the Fooducate app is perfect for someone trying to watch calories while getting toned and fit.
Fooducate has a massive, user-driven database of food and drinks that can be looked up simply by scanning a barcode with your camera. When you scan, you’re shown the nutritional information and a personalized health grade for the product. You then can add it to your daily intake if it fits your diet or reconsider and put that product back on the shelf or cupboard.
The app also offers health tips and, if you so desire, daily reminders to track your health. The burn-tracker gives an accurate reading of how many calories one burns during many different workouts, ranging from walking and cleaning to Pilates and rock climbing.
Anything You Can Do …
Map your runs and routes with the free Nike+ Running app.
Using GPS technology, the app tracks where you go and gives you map of where you went, highlighting areas where you ran the fastest and slowest. Set up a custom pump-up playlist to get the most out of your run with the touch of the PowerSongs button.
Full Recharge
We’ve all been there – waking up 20 minutes before the alarm sounds, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day, only to get 20 more minutes of rest and wake up feeling groggy and exhausted. This is because a new sleep cycle has started and been disrupted.
The Sleepytime app works to prevent this irritating issue by calculating the best times to fall asleep based on when one needs to wake up, and the best times to wake up based on when one falls asleep. It also takes into account the 14 extra minutes it takes to actually fall asleep.
Custom Circuit
A free app and a 99-cent premium version promise copious calorie burning with the Sworkit and Sworkit Pro Circuit Training Workout.
Put in how much time you have to work out and let this app start up the right workout for you. The user can choose among strength training exercises, yoga poses, stretching and an all-encompassing fitness experience. You can even pick and choose the individual exercises you want to skip or include before you begin.
They’re Everywhere
Who said running can’t be fun?
With the Zombies, Run! app, you place yourself into a horror film and have to escape zombies before they get you. And the only way to get away is to outrun the brain-eating monsters.
With your headphones in, you hear the zombies as they approach and storyline to keep you completely immersed in your run. Should you take the direct route home? No way. You’re surrounded. The only way to make it safe is to push yourself a little more and take a new route to your base.
Stephan Reed is an editorial associate. Feedback welcome at gbishop@cityscenemediagroup.com.