Danceville U.S.A. Master Class with Shalene Archer
Danceville, U.S.A. 47 E. Lincoln St 47 E. Lincoln St, Columbus, Ohio 43215
If you want to be the BEST dancer, you MUST Prep for Success!!!
9-Dance Champion and 2-time U.S. Professional Smooth Champion Shalene Archer will be back in the Danceville, U.S.A. studio on Tuesday, October 10th! She will teach a master class at 7pm that evening entitled Performance and Competition Readiness! This class is for ALL students, especially for those getting ready to compete at ICON DanceSport or perform at our Lights, Camera, Action Student Showcase in January!
Tickets are $40 per person. Please call the studio at 614-223-1774 to secure your spot!