LC Summer Bash & Fireworks (feat. Gavin DeGraw)
Olentangy High SchoolInstead of a traditional July 4th at the Alum Creek beach, there will be aconcert, festival and fireworks at the Olentangy High School Braves stadium!Gavin DeGraw is headlining the stadium concert with special guests New Hollowand Liberty Deep Down from 6:30 - 10:00 p.m. followed by a fireworks show andmuch, much more! Listen to musical simulcast live on Mix 107.9!Doors Open at 4:00 p.m. There will be the Goddard Free Kids Zone withinflatables, live appearances by The CW stars Alissa and Cameron, Mix 107.9live on-site, and food trucks and concessions grilling fine cuisine to fairfood… something for everyone!The LC Summer Bash & Fireworks is sponsored by the Lewis Center BusinessAssociation. Check out the organization's website for more information: tickets visit: Lewis Center RdLewis Center, OH 43035