Exhibition on Screen: Van Gogh
Peggy R. McConnell Arts Center of WorthingtonEXHIBITION ON SCREEN brings blockbuster art exhibitions from galleries aroundthe world to cinemas. In addition to covering the exhibitions’ paintings, thefilms take audiences behind the scenes to discover what lies behind theexhibition creatively and technically and what the artwork reveals about theartist and the particular historical period. Enjoying complete and unprecedented access to the treasures of Amsterdam’s VanGogh Museum, this is a brilliant new film about one of the world’s mostfascinating and beloved artists. Made in collaboration with the experts at theVan Gogh Museum, the film marks both a major re-showing of the gallery’scollection and a celebration of the 125th anniversary of Van Gogh’s death.Phone: 614-431-0329 777 Evening St. Worthington, OH 43085