Kid Pickers: How to Turn Junk into Treasure (juvenile nonfiction)
By Mike Wolfe with Lily Sprengelmeyer
Do you love junk? Love to collect? You may be a picker! Meet seven kids who are serious pickers and learn how to find treasure in trash.
The Normal Kid (juvenile fiction)
By Elizabeth Holmes
Compared to Charity, who has spent most of her life in Africa, and Brian the Trampoline Kid, Sylvan is a normal kid. But a year in Mr. In’s fifth-grade class will have him wondering what’s normal.
Take Me Out to the Yakyu (picture book)
By Aaron Meshon
A lucky little boy learns about baseball with his American grandpa and about yakyu with his Japanese jiji. This kid has the best of both worlds!
Number One Kid (first chapter book)
By Patricia Reilly Giff
In Giff’s new multicultural series Zigzag Kids, the Afternoon Center is giving away prizes and Mitchell is worried that he will be the only kid not to get one.
from Susan Carr, Youth Librarian