The Dublin City Council began its 2022 with elections for committee assignments. On Monday, the council elected Jane Fox to serve as mayor and Cathy De Rosa to serve as vice mayor. Each will serve a two-year term.
Council members for each of Dublin’s four wards were sworn in at the same meeting, each serving a four-year term ending Dec. 31, 2025. The three at large council members, who were not up for elections this past year, have terms expiring in 2023.
Fox, a 28-year resident of Dublin, has served the City of Dublin for the last four years as a councilwoman.
Her dedication to Dublin stems in part from an appreciation of the 200-year legacy of the city.
“From a farm town to a modern, leading-edge city, our progress continues to be built on the visions shared around the table by our fellow citizens,” Fox says.
Likewise, De Rosa has served the city of Dublin in several roles including commissioner of Dublin’s Planning and Zoning Commission and as part of Dublin City School District’s Business Advisory Council, she’s served from 2015 to now.
With her induction as vice mayor, De Rosa continues to push for Dublin’s excellence.
“I will strive to ensure that the shared-governance principles that built Dublin – planning for the long-term, building a robust economic base, valuing our heritage, trying new things, fostering broad community engagement and caring for each other – continue to guide us on the exciting road ahead,” she says.
Outgoing Mayor Chris Amorose Groomes, will serve on the Community Development Committee and as the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission Representative.
Before serving as mayor, she completed a two-year term as vice mayor and, prior to her election to city council, served eight years on the Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission.
Although her time as mayor is over, she remains grateful to serve Dublin.
“It’s my great honor to continue serving this extraordinary community, and to continue the legacy of outstanding leadership and citizen contribution that has made Dublin what it is today,” Groomes says. “As a member of Dublin City Council, I continue to advocate for quality in our development, to engage the public in meaningful ways, to work to improve the lives of others and to put community first, for the benefit of our children and all future generations.”

Courtesy of City of Dublin
Back Row: Vice Mayor Cathy De Rosa (Ward 4), Mayor Jane Fox (Ward 2), John Reiner (Ward 3), Amy Kramb (Ward 1). Front Row: Christina A. Alutto (At-Large), Andy Keeler (At-Large), Chris Amorose Groomes (At-Large).
Mariah Muhammad is an editorial assistant. Feedback welcome at