It’s Community History Month in Pickerington, and a new book by the city’s historical society aims to keep the community educated.
Images of America: Pickerington, by Christine A. Bryant in collaboration with the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society, is being released this month. Its contents: 175 photographs from around 1880 to 1980, along with captions full of historical information explaining each. Society volunteers worked with Bryant collecting images and information from the society archives.
One of the book’s highlights is a section on interesting people from the community, says Peggy Portier, the society’s historian.
“Most people don’t know that we had a world-class violinist and a champion heavyweight boxer,” Portier says.
The book will be on sale at special events and book signings held throughout the month of April, starting with the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society Museum open house 10 a.m.-3 p.m. April 6. For more information, visit www.pickeringtonhistoricalsociety.com or call 614-382-5989.
Allison Dalrymple is a contributing writer. Feedback welcome at gbishop@cityscenemediagroup.com.