This is a story about one person’s journey to good health, starting at age 70.
Larry Scurlock survived life-changing health events to live a life of health and abundance following 12 years of poor health. His ailments and chronic conditions included heart disease, open heart surgery, replacement of aortic valve, diabetes, degenerative disk disease with five back operations, spinal reconstruction, hardware in his left arm, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, five feet of stitches, use of a cane and a walker (with a suggestion that he should get a wheelchair) and 12 costly prescribed medications a day. Looking at Larry today, you would never believe he was ever in such poor health. Today, his chronic conditions are managed and he is vibrant, healthy and thriving!
When asked how he turned his health around, Larry shares his diagram for health and longevity (pictured above), which includes plugging into a health-wellness community as well as his daily health habits - exercise and healthy eating. Larry had the good fortune to work with many health care professionals: dentists, pharmacists, physical therapists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians,
nutritionists and fitness specialists including Dr. Mary Jo Welker (OSU Primary Care Physician), Grant Nau (OSU Fitness Specialist) and his wife, Karen, on his journey to wellness.
Larry’s goal was a simple one: He wanted to “be all that I can be.” Armed with an exercise prescription from his primary care physician, Dr. Welker, Larry entered The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Health & Fitness Center located in the Philip Heit Center for Healthy New Albany, and enrolled in the Exercise is Medicine (EIM) program. Larry says that this was the turning point in his health journey. Pairing up with the EIM team would be the life-changing decision that led Larry to improved health and longevity.
Larry credits his successes to not only willpower and hard work, but to the community and quality relationships he built on his journey, and the many comprehensive resources found at the Heit Center.
The power of community to create health is far greater than any one physician, clinic or hospital. - Mark Hymen
Larry proactively participated in his own health care plan, acting as a “co-investigator” with Dr. Welker and his OSU providers, each working together to identify, understand and apply the care and treatment that was needed. Proper nutrition is one central component to wellness that the team focused on, choosing a diet consisting mainly of whole foods and low-sodium hearty and healthful meals with limited processed foods. Larry and Karen enjoy planning weekly meals together and cooking most meals at home.
Another critical component is staying active. Beginning in 2019, Larry has made an annual one-day bike ride covering miles corresponding to his current age. The spring-fall season of 2020, he achieved 1,000 total miles. For his 78th birthday in September, Larry and his wife plan to make a one-day trip of 78 miles.
Larry keeps his workouts well rounded, swimming 80 laps three times a week. He also participated in an indoor triathlon at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Health & Fitness Center and came in 12th place.
Larry is passionate about enabling people of all ages to improve their health with exercise, healthy eating and good habits. He routinely speaks about his personal journey, and helps others identify strategies for changing and maintaining healthy habits. In the spirit of “being all that you can be,” find one small way today that you can begin your journey to wellness. It could be as simple as a walk in nature, or making a healthy, home-cooked meal.
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