Before my family and I packed up our house in Connecticut and moved to Dublin 16 years ago, I had researched where I was going to play tennis.
I wanted a club nearby with child care, clinics and good, competitive United States Tennis Association teams. For me, tennis is more than a sport with sassy skirts – though the outfits are super cute. In two hours of play, I get a solid workout, social time with my best friends, a break from kids and work, and my competitive fix.
No other activity of mine satisfies all of these requirements and the key is competition.
Fighting to win requires concentration, creativity and mental focus. That extra push to beat your opponent is invigorating and something many adults can’t live without. My husband, Tony, is an avid golfer and admits that he doesn’t like to practice.
“I like to play matches and tournaments, not just hit balls on the range,” Tony says. “I need something to shoot for.”
Of course, it’s easy in Dublin, where adult leagues are on every court and field in the city. No matter your age, sport or skill level, there is a team to join for exercise, fun and competition. And the more you enjoy the activity, the better chance you will stick with it and achieve your fitness goals. Wouldn’t it be fun to have your children on the sidelines cheering for Mom or Dad’s travel team for a change?
Dublin Community Recreation Center
Basketball: The recreation center has basketball for ages 18 and older five nights a week. The recreation league plays Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The more competitive league plays Monday and Thursday evenings. The games are high school rules with two 20-minute halves, 10 weeks of play, followed by a two-week tournament.
Volleyball: There are four divisions, or levels, of play for co-ed volleyball Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. Play ranges from super competitive 20-somethings to seniors who have been playing in the same league for 25 years.
Tennis: Doubles and singles leagues are offered in the summer on outdoor courts.
Badminton: Year-round leagues play each Thursday and Sunday. They are so popular they have a waitlist. Players seem knowledgeable and serious, so try taking a clinic first if you are inexperienced. Hour-long clinics are Sundays at 3:45 p.m.
Softball: Well-organized leagues are in spring, summer and fall for co-ed and all-male teams, and are usually sponsored by local businesses. Several teams have been together for many years, including Carl Reed’s “Roush Bombers.” Carl, a teacher at Dublin Coffman High School, has played in the center’s leagues since 1986 and says his team ranges in age from 21 to 57.
“Softball gives me the opportunity to keep competing and it motivates me to bike and lift weights so I can be a better player,” he says.
Field Sports
Flag Football: One of the most popular adult programs at Field Sports is flag football, with recreational leagues playing Mondays and competitive teams Sundays.
Dodgeball: Get a team together and duck and dive your way to a championship. Co-ed and open divisions all play Wednesday nights.
Basketball: Get your game on for men’s basketball competitive play Sundays and rec leagues Tuesdays.
Kickball: Maybe it’s time to re-enact those playground memories with the adult version of kickball. Co-ed teams play indoors Thursdays.
Volleyball: Co-ed volleyball teams play on Fridays indoors during cold months and sand volleyball outside in the summer.
Wiffle Ball: Bring back another backyard game from our youth. Form a team and play in a co-ed rec league Fridays.
Elysium Tennis Center
Tennis and Platform Tennis: Owners Brian Heil and Kevin Hornik are passionate about all tennis and platform tennis have to offer.
“These sports are challenging because they require good footwork, speed, balance, upper body and core strength, and hand-eye coordination,” Heil says. “But that’s also what makes tennis and platform so rewarding.”
Elysium has tennis leagues of every level for all age groups year-round, as well as drill classes set to music for extra practice. Platform tennis is a great, outdoor, cold-weather sport played on a raised and heated court. Elysium has leagues for men and interclub play for women.
Soccer First
Soccer: You can find every level of soccer on the indoor fields of Soccer First, including men’s open and 30-plus and 40-plus; women’s open, 25-plus and 40-plus; and co-ed open, 30-plus, 40-plus and 50-plus. Steven Matyas, facilities manager, says there is play each night of the week.
“We have college teams from Otterbein, Capital and Ohio Wesleyan that play to stay in shape in the offseason,” Matyas says. “(There are) guys in their 60s and 70s who still love to compete, and corporate teams with people who have never played the game.”
Flannagan’s Dublin:
The Bogey Inn: 614-466-1900
Sand Volleyball: It’s the name of the game at Flannagan’s Dublin and The Bogey Inn. Both facilities have different skill levels and offer co-ed teams. Dublin resident Tim Wilson played at The Bogey Inn for 14 years and has played at Flannagan’s for the past five years. He has also passed his love of sand volleyball down to his children. His son, Patrick, has a team on Tuesdays and his daughter, Elizabeth, plays on Sundays.
“It’s great exercise and we laugh a lot,” Wilson says. “Between the sand, music and fun, it feels like I’m on vacation every Thursday night.”