As we begin a new year, health resolutions are top of mind for many of us. Our city has always been committed to fostering a thriving environment for its residents, and a fundamental aspect of this commitment is prioritizing health. Your well-being is at the core of our vision, and we recognize the importance of creating a community where health is not just an individual pursuit but a collective endeavor.
In the spirit of promoting a healthier lifestyle, we have been working diligently to enhance the recreational and wellness facilities across the city. We are working to implement the Parks & Recreation Master Plan, which was completed last year. A survey conducted in support of the plan showed that 99.4% of all Dublin households believe parks, recreation services and open spaces are important to the quality of life in Dublin.
Through the Parks & Recreation Master Plan Process, community members identified their top aspirations for the parks and recreation system. The top parks and recreations facilities and programs included adult sports and arts, indoor fitness facilities, botanical/formal gardens and canoe/kayak launches.
With those priorities in place, the City is advancing several projects through the Capital Improvements Program (CPI), while continuing to evaluate options and funding for others. Among the improvements funded in the 2024-2028 CIP are additions to our extensive shared use path system, including sections along Riverside Drive and Shier Rings Road. Funds are also allocated for the maintenance of our existing amenities, including a refresh to the Dublin Community Recreation Center (DCRC) that will be phased over the next three years. A Community Engagement Meeting for the DCRC refresh is currently scheduled for 6 p.m. on Feb. 12 at the Council Chamber, 5555 Perimeter Drive. Please check the City’s website for any potential scheduling updates. All are welcome to share their ideas for a better recreation experience.
Thank you for being an integral part of our thriving community. Know that your City is committed to investing in amenities that enhance your access to the healthiest lifestyle.