Courtesy of City of Dublin
The 2022-24 Dublin City Council pose for a group shot. Back row: Amy Kramb, left, Jane Fox, John Reiner and Cathy De Rosa. In the front: Christina Alutto, left, Andy Keeler and Chris Amorose Groomes
Amy Kramb, Ward 1
Member of Council since 2022
Council Member Amy Kramb is a fourth-generation Dubliner who has seen firsthand the transformation of Dublin from a village into the vibrant city it is today. Sworn in for her first term in January, Council Member Kramb has been directly involved with local issues from having run the East Dublin Civic Association for the past six years, an activity she plans to continue while serving on Council.
Inspired by the passion and involvement of Dublin residents in all aspects of the City, Council Member Kramb looks forward to ensuring that the City continues to retain and grow a strong workforce while also developing an infrastructure that supports those who call Dublin home. During her free time, you can find Council Member Kramb enjoying the City’s parks, including her personal favorite, Thaddeus Kosciuszko Park.
Email: akramb@dublin.oh.us
Jane Fox, Ward 2
Member of Council since 2018
Thoughtful economic development and dynamic community engagement are priorities for Mayor Jane Fox. With her background in nursing against the backdrop of the international pandemic, she believes it is more important than ever to focus on the well-being of the Dublin community. Mayor Fox is a strong advocate for maintaining and enhancing public services that nurture and care for all residents.
She is committed to ensuring a high quality of life for the community by pre- serving the City’s architectural and cultural heritage while also embracing in- novation and protecting the beauty of our natural environment.
Mayor Fox finds inspiration from Dub- lin’s generous and engaged residents, know- ing they truly care for one another. She enjoys conversations with her fellow Dubliners and the resulting suggestions, problem-solving and shared goals that result.
When she’s not in Council Chambers, you can find her creating memories with her children and grandchildren, enjoy- ing neighborhood parks and community events, and strolling along the Scioto riverfront and Historic Dublin.
Email: jfox@dublin.oh.us
John Reiner, Ward 3
Member of Council since 1997
Author of “The Dublin Landscape Code,” Council Member John Reiner has
been a strong advocate for ensuring the City is a walkable, green, well-planned community. Proud of the Dublin Link, he sees the bridge as a brilliant solution to a barrier like a river, connecting residents and uniting the City. Council Member Reiner believes the economic viability of Dublin must support growth while also ensuring the highest level of services and quality of life for residents.
Looking forward, Council Member Reiner is excited to continue working with Dublin Arts Council and the Community Development Committee to ensure Dublin remains at the forefront of innovation and excellence.
When he’s not engaging in City business, Council Member Reiner can be found exploring the Riverboxes along the Scioto River or grabbing a bite to eat at Lan Viet in the North Market.
Email: jreiner@dublin.oh.us
Cathy De Rosa, Ward 4
Vice Mayor
Member of Council since 2018
With an interest in supporting Dublin’s heritage while also looking forward, Vice Mayor Cathy De Rosa has worked to ensure that the City reflects the interests of all its residents. Her support of innovative
projects and development initiatives is balanced with a commitment to retain the character and spirit of Dublin’s forefathers. In 2022, Vice Mayor De Rosa hopes to build upon her years of service to the Dub- lin community and her professional background in technology and business to support Council’s strategic goals of advancing our infrastructure, connectivity and long-range planning in order to provide the workforce and residents world-class amenities and career opportunities.
Outside of the Council Chamber, you can often find Vice Mayor De Rosa enjoying a public art installation, biking our many great paths and parks, or visiting a Dublin City Schools building to teach students about Dublin’s history, a form of government and role in the community.
Email: cderosa@dublin.oh.us
Andy Keeler, At-Large
Member of Council since 2020
Council Member Andy Keeler is honored to serve such a thriving and diverse community. He believes an important issue facing Dublin right now is attracting and retaining businesses that support on-site workers, ensuring a tax revenue that will continue to benefit the City. With a true sense of community and a strong identity, Council Member Keeler believes it is important to give back to a city that has given his family so much.
In 2022, Council Member Keeler is excited to continue the Metro Center visioning process and the revitalization of North Riverview Street. He also commends the work of the Historic District Task Force and looks forward to seeing improvements to the area.
If he had to choose a favorite City event, it would be the Dublin Irish Festival. He enjoys visiting Coast-to-Local Market in the North Market for a lobster roll, which he says is a nice alternative to chasing down a food truck.
Email: akeeler@dublin.oh.us
Christina Alutto, At-Large
Member of Council since 2016
Council Member Christina Alutto firmly believes the Dublin community must make every effort to create lasting legacies that are nimble enough to withstand the test of time. With an eye toward economic development, infrastructure enhancements and historic preservation, Council Member Alutto works to ensure all residents have access to every service Dublin has to offer.
Excited for the coming year, Council Member Alutto points to projects that will have a positive impact on the sur- rounding community. She emphasizes the importance of walkability, green space and
design elements that integrate new development sites into existing neighborhoods. Council Member Alutto enjoys spend- ing time outside in Dublin parks and occasionally stopping at Johnson’s Real Ice
Cream for a scoop of Buckeye Fever.
Email: calutto@dublin.oh.us
Chris Amorose Groomes, At-Large
Member of Council since 2016
In all matters Dublin, Council Member Amorose Groomes strives to put community first, for the benefit of residents and future generations. She believes we must look to the future and how our remaining land will be developed but also toward preserving what we have built.
In 2022, she is looking forward to emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger than ever before. She is committed to remaining fiscally responsible, continuing to attract and retain prominent businesses and assisting entrepreneurs and the small businesses that are the backbone of our community.
Council Member Amorose Groomes enjoys spending time with her family, visiting Scioto Park and running into old friends around town, one of the great joys of being a life-long Dubliner.
To learn more about Dublin City Council, visit dublinohiousa. gov/dublin-city-council.
Andrew Kohn is the public affairs officer for the City of Dublin; feedback welcome at akohn@dublin.oh.us.