National Volunteer Week is April 21-27 and people all across Dublin are coming out to do their part in the community.
Christine Nardecchia, volunteer resources administrator for the City of Dublin, enjoys her time helping others become involved in the community. Her department coordinates almost 3,000 volunteers a year at different organizations throughout Dublin and central Ohio. Some of the most popular volunteering events in Dublin are the Dublin Irish Festival and The Memorial Tournament.
Before you volunteer, Nardecchia suggests you understand what’s motivating you. Do you want to work with children, safety programs, seniors, the environment or others? Second, make sure you know what your schedule will allow and where you are willing to go.
“Have a realistic picture of what time you are willing to give,” Nardecchia says.
Once you’ve figured out what you’d like to help with, research the agencies you might want to work with and the commitments each might ask of you.
Former Dublin resident Jack Hanna is a familiar face among those who love the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Along with other volunteer activities, Hanna serves as MC of the Discover the Dream event every year to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
This year’s event begins at 6 p.m. May 16 at the Columbus Zoo, 4850 W. Powell Rd., and features cocktails, dinner and silent and live auctions. All proceeds support St. Jude, which treats around 7,800 patients each year at no cost.
Volunteer opportunities are also available at the Memorial Tournament, this year scheduled for May 27-June 2. The Bunker, a tented party held at the Country Club at Muirfield Village in the evenings during the week of the tournament, features live entertainment each night. The event, in its third year, will this year benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio. Those wishing to volunteer for Bunker events should contact Ronald McDonald House Charities at 614-227-3700.
To learn about additional volunteer opportunities, visit the Leadership and Volunteer Expo, sponsored by the City of Dublin and Leadership Dublin, at The Mall at Tuttle Crossing on April 10. About 25 volunteer organizations will be in attendance. You can also check the City of Dublin website for volunteer opportunities at www.dublinohiousa.gov/volunteerism-and-citizen-involvement.
Allison Dalrymple is a contributing writer. Feedback welcome at laurand@cityscenemediagroup.com.
HandsOn Central Ohio
Dublin City Council member Marilee Chinnici-Zuercher does her part to help in the community.
Chinnici-Zuercher has been president of HandsOn Central Ohio since 1991, but will retire this year. Though she’s leaving her official role in the organization, she’s still a strong proponent of the work HandsOn Central Ohio does.
“Marilee has been a true pillar of this community and a real strength and constant here at HandsOn Central Ohio. She’s taken it to the next level and made it a critical community resource,” says Rebecca Verhoff, vice president for community engagement and strategic partnerships.
The local HandsOn group is a branch of the national organization, which has the largest volunteer network in the U.S. HandsOn Central Ohio’s efforts include recruiting and mobilizing volunteers and pairing volunteers to the nonprofit sector, staffing a 2-1-1 call center, preparing for local disasters or emergencies, and organizing a foster grandparent program.
The organization’s goal is to create change fueled by people.
“We offer people the wide variety of ways they can be engaged in their community to build the community of their choice,” Chinnici-Zuercher says.
Chinnici-Zuercher encourages those who want to get involved visit the HandsOn Central Ohio website at www.handsoncentralohio.org.
By the Numbers:
Organizations that will be in attendance at the Leadership and Volunteer Expo at The Mall at Tuttle Crossing on April 10
Years Marilee Chinnici-Zuercher has been president of HandsOn Central Ohio
Nearly 3,000
Volunteers Christine Nardecchia coordinates for the City of Dublin each year
$2.18 million
Amount Discover the Dream has raised for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the last seven years