The fourth and final season of the acclaimed British spy thriller premieres this Sunday. Killing Eve follows its titular character as she is tasked with catching a killer, Villanelle. In an unlikely turn of events, the two develop an obsession with each other. The series airs on BBC.
For those without BBC, check out Vikings: Valhalla, a sequel to the History Channel’s Vikings set 100 years after the original show and following the adventures of Leif Erikson, Freydis and more. The series can be streamed on Netflix.
The New York Times bestselling author Lucy Foley releases her latest mystery novel, The Paris Apartment. The story follows Jess, who plans to move in with her half-brother Ben in Paris. When she arrives in Paris, though, Ben is missing. Jess questions the eclectic residents of Ben's apartment building where everyone seems to have an alibi. … Or do they?
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Weenie Wonder celebrates its grand opening Feb. 24 by rewarding the first 50 customers with a hot dog a week for a year prize. The restaurant allows its patrons to choose from a range of made-to-order hot dogs or to create their own. The menu features seven unique hot dogs as well as sides and made-to-order milkshakes. Weenie Wonder opens Thursday in Dublin’s Bridge Park neighborhood.
For events going on this weekend in central Ohio, read our picks and previews.
Megan Roth is a senior editorial assistant. Feedback welcome at