Photo courtesy of The Columbus Symphony Orchestra
Circle of Light. A glass figure illuminated at night by a circle of light. 3D Illustration
Join the Columbus Symphony Orchestra this Saturday, Nov. 17 for the first show of its 2018-2019 Pops Series: Spaced Out: A Sci-Fi Movie Music Spectacular!
This stellar Columbus Symphony production honors classics of the sci-fi film world with performances featuring music from Star Wars, Back to the Future, The Incredibles and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The production also showcases CSO’s version of German composer Richard Strauss’ famous Also sprach Zarathustra, best-known for its legendary use in Stanley Kubrick’s legendary 2001: A Space Odyssey. Spaced Out is led by the CSO principal Pops conductor, Stuart Chafetz.
Subscriptions for the six-show 2019-2019 Pops season are also currently on sale and range from $163-389. Purchases can be made online at www.columbussymphony.com or by calling or visiting the CAPA Ticket Center.
This holiday season, be sure to mark your calendars for the Columbus Symphony Orchestra’s upcoming shows, including the annual Holiday Pops led by Ronald J. Jenkins. The show features collaborations by the Columbus Symphony Chorus, the Columbus Children’s Choir and BalletMet in this longstanding Columbus tradition of classic holiday carols and a visit from Santa Claus. Holiday Pops will run Nov. 30 through Dec. 2.
Spaced Out: A Sci-Fi Movie Music Spectacular! is sponsored by the Ohio Arts Council, the Columbus Foundation and the Greater Columbus Arts Council.
The show will take place Saturday at 8 p.m. at the historic Ohio Theatre at 39 E. State St. Ticket prices range from $26-$69 and can be purchased at the CAPA Ticket Center (also located at 39 E. State St.), any Ticketmaster office or online at www.ticketmaster.com. You can also purchase tickets by phone at (614) 469-0939 or (800) 745-3000. Discounts for seniors and students with valid I.D. are available as well.
Visit www.ColumbusSymphony.com for more information on ticket sales, sponsors and upcoming events and productions.
Kendall Lindstrom is a contributing writer. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com.