1. Eddie Money (March 30, 9 p.m.)
Hollywood Casino Columbus, 200 Georgesville Rd.
The rock singer known for such hits as “Two Tickets to Paradise,” “Take Me Home Tonight” and “I Wanna Go Back” performs a free show at the casino. http://www.hollywoodcolumbus.com
2. Art for Home & Garden (April 1-31)
Studios on High Gallery, 686 N. High St.
Sculptures by Denise Romecki and paintings by Teda Theis are intended to bring the outdoors indoors. http://www.studiosonhigh.com
3. CATCO presents Avenue Q (April 3-21)
Studio One Theatre, Riffe Center, 77 S. High St.
CATCO reprises its popular production of the raunchy puppets-and-humans musical comedy that features such songs as “What Do You Do with a B.A. in English?” and “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist.” http://www.catcoistheatre.org
4. Columbus Civic Theatre presents A Streetcar Named Desire (April 4-28)
Columbus Civic Theatre, 3837 Indianola Ave.
Tennessee Williams’ famous play following Southern belle Blanche DuBois returns to the stage courtesy of Columbus Civic Theatre. http://www.columbuscivic.org
5. City of Light: The Artistic Influence of Paris (April 5-28)
Brandt-Roberts Galleries, 642 N. High St.
City of Light combines scenes of Paris by gallery artists with historic works circa 1920-1960 by Paris-trained artists. http://www.brandtrobertsgalleries.com