1. Opera Columbus presents HMS Pinafore (June 7-9)
Southern Theatre, 21 E. Main St.
The New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players, accompanied by the Opera Columbus chorus and the Columbus Symphony Orchestra, puts on the musical story of the fanciful British naval vessel. http://www.operacolumbus.org
2. MythBusters: The Explosive Exhibition (June 8 – Sept. 2)
COSI, 333 W. Broad St.
Designed by the stars of the Discovery Channel’s MythBusters TV show, this exhibition allows attendees to attempt all manner of experiments that have been conducted on the show. http://www.cosi.org
3. Sundays at Scioto (June 9 – July 28)
Scioto Park, 7377 Riverside Dr., Dublin
The Dublin Arts Council’s summer concert series enters its 30th year, offering everything from country rock to big band swing. http://www.dublinarts.org
4. Weird Al Yankovic (June 11, 7 p.m.)
Newport Music Hall, 1722 N. High St.
Touring in support of his latest album, 2012’s Alpocalypse, parodist and humor songwriter Weird Al Yankovic brings more than three decades of weird music to Columbus. http://www.promowestlive.com
5. Picnic with the Pops: Chaka Khan (June 14, 6 p.m.)
Columbus Commons, 160 S. High St.
Funk legend Chaka Khan starts off the 2013 Picnic with the Pops concert series with a bang, joining the Columbus Symphony Orchestra onstage at Columbus Commons. http://www.columbussymphony.com
DON’T FORGET! Columbus Arts Festival (June 7-9)
Downtown Columbus riverfront
Art, music, dance, poetry, hands-on activities, food from local restaurants, beverages, a local art tent and much more make up the 2013 Columbus Arts Festival. http://www.columbusartsfestival.org
Be part of the CityScene team at the 2013 New Albany Walking Classic, scheduled for Sept. 8. Visit www.newalbanywalkingclassic.com to register, and enter SCENETEAM in the Enter Promotional Code section to receive a free CityScene team T-shirt for the walk. Offer expires June 30.