Columbus Academy pre-K
Columbus Academy
Columbus Academy has students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, and all have opportunities to engage in performing arts, starting with music and movement for pre-K. Pre-K students, like all other Columbus Academy students, perform concerts and shows throughout the school year. And as they progress through their academic careers, they have the chance to participate in band, chorus, orchestra, drama, music theory, jazz and technical theater, as well as a wealth of visual arts.
Columbus School for Girls
The performing arts are integrated into the regular curriculum beginning in fourth grade with workshops that culminate in an original play. Classes are then offered throughout middle and secondary school for students interested in the arts. Students can become involved in large-scale productions either as actors or stage crew in both the fall and the spring.

Village Academy
Village Academy preschoolers get involved in visual and performing arts on a weekly basis. Each May, they get to show off those skills in a vocal and movement performance. That’s in addition to a fall performance for grades pre-K to 12, and a spring performance for grades pre-K to 5. Students learn to play the recorder in third grade, and can join band or choir as early as fourth grade.
Dublin City Schools
Dublin schools have a diverse array of arts opportunities from one building to the next. For example, at Olde Sawmill Elementary School, third-graders have the chance to participate in a musical around Thanksgiving. At Eli Pinney Elementary School, students grades 3-5 can join a unique choir that meets before school and have opportunities for collaborative performances with the Dublin Jerome High School marching band. There are no auditions for the choir, so all students are welcome.

Upper Arlington City Schools
Upper Arlington schools have a collection of arts programs that vary from one building to the next. Students can get involved in band, orchestra, vocal music and the visual arts. Unique opportunities include a taiko drumming group for grades 3-5 at Barrington Elementary School and a ukulele orchestra, also for grades 3-5, at Windermere Elementary School.
Clintonville Academy
Arts education begins in pre-K. Then, once students reach middle school, they have the chance to take instrumental, choral and visual arts classes. The students produce a full-length musical at the conclusion of the school year.
Hailey Stangebye is a contributing writer. Feedback welcome at gbishop@cityscenemediagroup.com.