934 Gallery: Brielle DuFlon, Madeleine Rhondeau-Rhodes, Sri Kodakalla. A trio of artists hailing from Virginia show together in the main gallery space. Opening reception March 4 from 7-10 p.m. March 4-April 16. Meredith Morrison. Morrison hails from Hamtramck, Michigan, and is a multi-disciplinary artist whose practice seeks to negotiate and sustain memory-material relationships. Morrison’s work is process-based and experimental, embedding itself in traditional fiber and craft techniques. Opening reception April 1 from 7-10 p.m. April 1-May 21. www.934gallery.org
Blockfort: Reverie: An exhibition featuring Elham Bayati and Christine D’Epiro Abbott. Opening Reception 6-8 p.m. March 4. Bayati’s richly layered paintings present female figures emerging from dense floral patterns and surreal interiors. D’Epiro Abbott’s colorful works depict abstracted representations of her family’s domestic interior through printmaking methods. March 4-26. Kaleidoscope. Featuring Lindsey Tribelhorn’s work, which focuses on combining geometry and op art techniques to create hypnotic shapes and a kaleidoscope of colors that come alive under blacklight. Opening reception on March 4. March 4-26. Death, Taxes, 83 Gallery. The 83 Gallery team, a former Columbus art scene powerhouse, will take over multiple spaces at Blockfort, painting murals and hosting one of its now-infamous parties. April-30. Alley Islands 2022. Blockfort’s outdoor mural festival returns. April 16 from noon-10 p.m. www.blockfortcolumbus.com
Brandt-Roberts Galleries: Jolene Powell: Peaks and Pinnacles. Featuring new paintings by Ohio artist Jolene Powell. Her abstracted landscapes boast sophisticated color palettes and incredible detail that hearken textiles and printmaking patterns. March 5-27. New works by Elsa Muñoz. A Chicago-based Mexican-American artist, Muñoz draws upon her earliest encounters with the natural world to evoke senses of wonder and longing in her paintings. April 2-May 1. www.brandtrobertsgalleries.com
Capital University Schumacher Gallery: When Nature Speaks. An exhibition that celebrates the decades-long friendship of painters Karen LaValley and Kirsten Bowen. Both influenced by the allure of nature’s beauty, these artists pass down generations of influences in their craft. Jan. 17-April 9. Kandinsky Sketchbook at NOW Music Festival. In conjunction with the Conservatory of Music 2022 NOW Music Festival, the gallery hosts a multimedia event featuring sketches from Wassily Kandinsky’s sketchbook accompanied by electronic music by juried student-composers. Jan. 17-April 26. What Were You Wearing? Sexual Assault Education and Prevention. This annual Showcase Gallery exhibit features narratives and re-creations of outfits based on experiences answering this frequently asked question of survivors. April 12-26. www.capital.edu/news-and-events/arts-and-culture/schumacher-gallery
Columbus Museum of Art: Roy Lichtenstein: History in the Making, 1948–1960. The first major museum exhibition to investigate the early work of one of the most celebrated American artists of the 20th century, including his formative years in Columbus, Ohio. Born in New York City in 1923, Lichtenstein went on to enroll in and teach at The Ohio State University, where the progressive curriculum and a focus on visual perception influenced his irreverent response to American history and culture. March 4-June 5. www.columbusmuseum.org
Cultural Arts Center: Jon B. Wahling Retrospective. A longtime weaving and fiber arts instructor at the Cultural Arts Center is remembered in this exhibition, which presents the incredible breadth of his artistry in wood, fiber, paper, dye and paint. Opening reception 6-8 p.m. Friday, April 1. April 1-May 7. Beauty in the Balcony. Oil enamel paint challenges the hand and delights the eye. See how one local artist has enlisted this unusual, demanding medium in pursuit of the beautiful. Opening reception Friday, April 1 from 6-8 p.m. April 1-May 7.
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Hindsight: The Art of Looking Back. Showcases the work of the nostalgic paintings of the Ohio folk artists of the 1800s and 1900s, known collectively as the memory painters. These artists captured the simplicity of earlier days in rural Ohio in unassuming lines and bold color palettes. Through April 24. www.decartsohio.org
Dublin Arts Council: Berry van Boekel: The Top 100 2021. An exhibition of painted double portraits featuring a juxtaposition of the recorder and the one recorded. The paintings are accompanied by audio field recordings compiled by Fort Myers, Florida, artist Berry van Boekel. On view by appointment March 8-April 15. Collage: The Art of Recycling. Columbus-based artist N. Penney Denning composes collages from recycled images that have had a previous life in old and new photographs, magazines and printed materials that arrive at her doorstep. On view by appointment April 26-June 2. www.dublinarts.org
Glass Axis: Mardi Gras Exhibition. A Mardi Gras-themed gallery exhibition. Through March 26. Jon Rees Gallery Exhibition. This exhibition features the immersive glass sculptures of Jon Rees, which are inspired by the architecture of the world around us. April 8-May 29. www.glassaxis.org
Hayley Gallery: Staci Friedman & Kate Morgan. Mixed media artists. Opening reception 5-8 p.m. March 12. March 12-April 6. Joe Anastasi. Nationally recognized oil painter. Opening reception April 9 from 5-8 p.m. April 9-May 10. www.localohioart.com
Highline Coffee Art Space: Manda Marble. March 2-April 30. Community Connection Show. April 2-30. www.rebeccaink.com/highlinecoffeeartspace
Mac Worthington Studio, Gallery & Sculpture Park: Abstract Urban Landscapes. Featuring 50 original powerful paintings from 2019-present. March 1-31. Sculpture Park new installations & tour. April 1-30. www.macworthington.com
Ohio Art Council’s Riffe Gallery: Quilt National ’21: The Best of Contemporary Quilts. The works in a Quilt National exhibit display a reverence for the lessons taught by the makers of the heritage quilts while expanding the boundaries of traditional quilt making by utilizing the newest materials and technologies. Through April 8. www.oac.ohio.gov/Riffe-Gallery
Ohio Craft Museum: Kuumba Connections: Quilts by Contemporary African American Artists. Curated by Bettye Stull, this exhibition showcases narrative quilts by both emerging and professional African American fiber artists, who formed a group to share ideas and expertise during the isolation of the pandemic. Through April 3. www.ohiocraft.org
Ohio Dominican University’s Wehrle Gallery: Women Carry the Weight of the World: Pandemic Work by Eliana Calle-Saari. An instructor at ODU, Saari is one of the region’s most important and recognized printmakers. Her drawings and woodcuts from time stranded in Antigua early in the pandemic depict women carrying food, bags, children and animals as a metaphor for women carrying the weight of the world. Through April 17. www.ohiodominican.edu/future-students/student-life/the-arts-at-odu/Wehrle
Open Door Art Studio & Gallery: This Inspired That. An annual exhibition where community-based artists draw from the works of Open Door artists to produce brand new pieces that exemplify the pinnacle of creative collaboration. Opening reception April 9 from 5-7 p.m. April 9-May 6. www.opendoorcolumbus.org/open-door-art-studio
Pizzuti Collection of Columbus Museum of Art: To Feel Something That Was Not of Our World. Nina Katchadourian’s immersive and deeply personal work about resourcefulness, hope and creative capacity under duress. Through April 24. Bruce Robinson: Flutterby. The longtime Columbus-based artist and educator’s images of Black athletes, musicians and dancers suggest the dynamism and grace of the body in motion. Through April 24. www.columbusmuseum.org/pizzuti-collection-of-the-columbus-museum-of-art
Studios on High Gallery: Hit the Hop. Studios on High’s annual open call juried exhibition. Accepted artists are featured in a month-long show at the gallery and virtual Gallery Hop. March 5-31. www.studiosonhigh.com