Hammond Harkins Galleries: 6 plus 1, work by six gallery artists, through June 12. Tony Mendoza: Cats and Dogs, a photo exhibition, from June 17-July 17. www.hammondharkins.com
Muse Gallery: A grand opening exhibition featuring new artists and new work by gallery artists through June 15. New work by Barbara Krupp from June 18-30. www.amusegallery.com/columbus
Ohio Craft Museum: Best of 2016, the museum’s 33rd annual juried members’ exhibition, through June 19. www.ohiocraft.org
Brandt-Roberts Galleries: Avenues and Alleyways: Curt Butler and Cody Heichel through June 19. www.brandtrobertsgalleries.com
Upper Arlington Concourse Gallery: Yasue Sakaoka: 1985-2015, a 30-year retrospective, through June 24. www.uaoh.net
Gallery 22: Movie Night: Movie Posters, Old and New Celebrating 100 Years at the Strand Theatre through June 24. www.gallery22.net
Lindsay Gallery: Dual Nature, work with recycled vintage linoleum flooring by Bill Miller, through June 25. www.lindsaygallery.com
Jung Association Gallery: Meditations in the underbelly – photographs found while crawling on my stomach by Sydney Schardt through June 25. www.jungcentralohio.org
Glass Axis: Up Against The Wall! by Michelle Rial through June 25. www.glassaxis.org
Hawk Galleries: Work of Italian glass master Lino Tagliapietra through June 26. www.hawkgalleries.com
The Arts Castle: Color Conversations by Judy Anderson from June 1-30. www.artscastle.org
Marcia Evans Gallery: Summer Show of Abstracts from June 3-Aug. 28. www.marciaevansgallery.com
ROY G BIV Gallery: Work by Ryan Kelly and Heather Kaplan from June 4-25. www.roygbivgallery.com
Studios on High Gallery: Natural Abstractions, new work by abstract painter Teda Theis, from June 4-30. www.studiosonhigh.com
PM Gallery: Continuing the Year of Wince: New and Old Works by Charles Wince from June 4-July 31. www.pmgallery.com
Sherrie Gallerie: New work by wood artist Melinda Rosenberg from June 5-July 17. www.sherriegallerie.com
Cultural Arts Center: CAC Student/Faculty Show from June 10-July 2. www.culturalartscenteronline.org
Ohio Art League: Wilburscapes – The Lonely Landscapes of Paul D. Wilbur, black and white photographs, from June 10-July 23. www.oal.org
Dublin Arts Council gallery: Eileen Woods: Last Words, a text-driven exhibition featuring mixed media in 2D and 3D, from June 14-July 22. www.dublinarts.org
Keny Galleries: Alan Gough and Willard Reader from June 17-July 29. www.kenygalleries.com
Otterbein University Miller Gallery: (VERSUS), work by Otterbein University Visual Artist in Residence Kristen Davis, from June 24-July 8. www.otterbein.edu
The Ohio State University Faculty Club: Work from the John Behling Watercolor Society through July 1. www.ohio-statefacultyclub.com
Ohio Wesleyan University Ross Museum of Art: Party on, art quilts from around the U.S., through July 1. ross.owu.edu
Angela Meleca Gallery: Work by Danielle Julian Norton and Melissa Vogley Woods through July 9. www.angelamelecagallery.com
OSU Urban Arts Space: Noves Històries, the Ohio Art League’s 2016 juried exhibition, through July 9. Natural Worlds, work by Charles Porter and Larry Ross in conjunction with Open Door Art Studio through June 24. www.uas.osu.edu
Art Access Gallery: Abstract work by Sharon Dougherty and Ursula Brenner, and sculpture by Barry Gunderson, through July 10. www.artaccessgallery.com
Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery: Material Pulses: 8 Viewpoints, an art quilt exhibition by eight artists, through July 16. www.riffegallery.org
Wexner Center for the Arts: Martin Wong: Human Instamatic, more than 80 works from the career of painter Martin Wong, through Aug. 7. www.wexarts.org
McConnell Arts Center Gallery: Brian Riegel: Morphed Instruments, sculpture made from reclaimed musical instruments; Robert Falcone: A Walk in the Park, an interactive sound installation in celebration of spring; and Yasue Sakaoka Origami, traditional paper installation, through Aug. 7. www.mcconnellarts.org
Otterbein University Fisher Gallery: Cartographies: Reconstructing human displacement, an art installation by Juan Si González, through Aug. 13. www.otterbein.edu
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Edith Head and Company, costumes by Hollywood designer extraordinaire Edith Head and her contemporaries, through Aug. 14. www.decartsohio.org
Columbus Museum of Art: Art 360°: Contemporary Art Hatching Across Ohio through Aug. 14. Spin Art, memorable vinyl record cover designs, through Aug. 21. Picasso: The Great War, Experimentation and Change, an exploration of Pablo Picasso’s work between 1912 and 1924, from June 10-Sept. 11. www.columbusmuseum.org
Pizzuti Collection: Robert Buck: States of America – a solo exhibition featuring drawings, photographs, video and paintings – through Sept. 4. Patricia Dominguez: Eres un Princeso, a large-scale installation focusing on Spanish horses once owned by Colombian drug lords, from June 6-September 26. www.pizzuticollection.org