Even though many art shows have been suspended, postponed or canceled due to COVID-19, many local venues are still hosting gallery exhibits online or in-house. Visit their websites to learn more about the shows, possibly witness a virtual gallery, shop artworks and more. Now more than ever is the time to support artists and local businesses. This information was updated as of May 15.
Art Access Gallery: The Many Facets of Judy Friday. June 12-Aug. 1. www.artaccessgallery.com
The Arts Castle: Senior Showcase. Through June 27. And Storytime: Ohio Children’s Authors and Illustrators. Available virtually. ArtsCastle Studio will still be available this summer and offer activities, links to museums and musical performers, resources, and more. On-line classes that teach Lego building, cartoon-ing, watercolor painting and more are also available. www.artscastle.org
Brandt-Roberts Galleries: Virtualgallery exhibitions available. www.brandtrobertsgalleries.com
Columbus Museum of Art: Twentieth Century Hustlers. Works by Chi-Chicago-based artist Geof Oppenheimer that centers around physical, technological and psychological conditions of labor in the post-industrial world. Through Oct. 18. www.columbusmuseum.orgCultural Arts Center: Art at the Center 2020 – Faculty of the Cultural Arts Center. Through June 20, subject to change. For summer class registration and additional information, visit the website. www.culturalartscenteronline.org
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: 2 + 3 x 18: Diptychs and Triptychs by 18 Contemporary Ohio Artists. Vari-ous works and mediums that inspired by ancient diptychs and triptychs, typically then used to commemorate the victory of a ruler, or for personal or religious reasons. Through Aug. 16. www.decartsohio.org
Dublin Arts Council: SueKing: The Great Outdoors.Works that highlight America’s wild places, inspired by King’s numerous artist residencies at national and state parks.June 16-July 24. www.dublinarts.org
Gallery 22: The Family Aesthetic William Obenour. Combination of paintings, photographs and drawings, created by Obenaur and his many artistic family members who have helped him succeed in his creative journey. On view virtually, pieces available for purchase online. AndHeal the Whole World. Floral paintings prints by William Obenaur. www.artscastle.org/gallery-22
Hammond Harkins Galleries: Newworks by 19 artists that were produced finished during the stay-at-homeorder. Pieces include paper and fabric works made from household materials a sculpture featuring gold leaf, since the medium is believed to have emotional health benefits; and more. Available Hammond Harkins’ social media and website. www.hammondharkins.comHammond Harkins Galleries
Hayley Gallery: Authenticity. Paintings by Laurie Clements. June 13-July 15. Reception from 5-8 p.m. Twenty-five guests permitted at once for a 30-minute session. Face mask required; some will be available for purchase. RSVP by emailinghayley@hayleygallery.com. Shop various works online, available for pick up or delivery. www.localohioart.com
Keny Galleries: Lyricism & ContemporaryArt. Virtual gallery featuring various works by Alice Carpenter, Neil Riley and MaryJane Ward. www.kenygalleries.comThe King Arts Complex: Intention.Abstract and figurative works by GayeReissland, Michol Childress and ChantalStone. Through Aug. 16, Elijah PierceGallery. www.kingartscomplex.com
McConnell Arts Center: Works by Char Norman. Three-dimensional works that center around the theme of eco-psychology. Through Aug. 16. www.mcconnellarts.org(Not) Sheep Gallery: Shop affordable works and small items online. www.notsheepgallery.comOhio Art Council’s Riffe Gallery: OhioDiaspora: Art from the Collection of theNational Afro-American Museum and cultural Center and Ohio Arts. Virtual gallery featuring videos and more. Digital art archives are also available. www.oac.ohio.gov.
Ohio Art League: Mixed Media &Installation: Online Group Exhibitions2020. Various works by Ohio Art League members, showcased on the OAL website.www.oal.org
Ohio Craft Museum: Functional CeramicsExhibition. Works by 20 artists. Pieces available for purchase online. www.ohiocraft.orgOhio Glass Museum: Planes, Trains and automobiles. An exhibit that showcases mostly pre-1960 pieces that align with these modes of transportation: lanterns, vases, stop lights, etc. Through Aug.31. www.ohioglassmuseum.org.