Ohio Craft Museum: Inspired! – works in clay, glass, metal and mixed media by 30 artists under the age of 35 who have Ohio connections – through Aug. 18, www.ohiocraft.org
High Road Gallery: Artists Select, works by the Watermedia Artists’ Group, through Aug. 24. www.highroadgallery.com
King Arts Complex: Visual Voices: The African American Experience, works by African-American artists from Dayton and the Miami Valley, through Aug. 23. www.kingartscomplex.com
The Ohio State University Faculty Club: Ohio – New Paintings, plein air oil paintings by Jon Browning, through Aug. 23. www.ohio-statefacultyclub.com
Lindsay Gallery: Artifacts, paintings by Robert Falcone, through Aug. 24 www.lindsaygallery.com
MadLab Gallery: Young Artists Collective, works by central Ohio high schoolers, through Aug. 25 www.madlab.net
Canzani Center Gallery, Columbus College of Art and Design: Works by Leonardo Drew – known for his deeply-colored, large-scale installations – through Aug. 29. www.ccad.edu
Keny Galleries: Montage of Works: Gallery Artists, a sampling of works from the gallery’s contemporary artists, through Aug. 30. www.kenygalleries.com
Muse Gallery: A group show of new works by artists including Mel Rea and Glenn Doell through Aug. 31. www.amusegallery.com
Ohio Art League: MCE: Hijab, a member-curated exhibition by David King with participating artist Victoria Ahmadizadeh, from Aug. 1-30. www.oal.org
Studios on High Gallery: Double Dog Care, dog-themed grid-style paintings by Ruth Ann Mitchell’s and ceramics by Judy Holberg, from Aug. 1-31. www.studiosonhigh.com
ROY G BIV Gallery: Works by Jackie Brown, Garry Noland and Kathleen Thum from Aug. 3-24. www.roygbivgallery.org
Terra Gallery: Work by Charles Rowland – featuring jazz scenes, European street scenes and country and seascape scenes – from Aug. 3-Sept. 29 www.terra-gallery.com
German Village Meeting Haus: Watercolors by Carol Schar from Aug. 4-31. www.germanvillage.com
Hammond Harkins Galleries: Paul Hamilton at Martha’s Vineyard from Aug. 9-Sept. 14. www.hammondharkins.com
Dublin Arts Council: emerging: a student art exhibition, artwork by Dublin City Schools K-12 students, from Aug. 13-Sept. 13. www.dublinarts.org
Fisher Gallery, Otterbein University Roush Hall: By Implication, works on paper by Donald Furst, from Aug. 26-Dec. 6. www.otterbein.edu
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Gorgeous Threads: A World of Textiles, globally produced textiles and fabrics that identify cultures, through Sept. 1. www.decartsohio.org
Art Access Gallery: Places, still-lifes by Michael Drummond and sculptures by Shane Snider, through Sept. 4. www.artaccessgallery.com
Columbus Museum of Art: Surface Tension: The 2013 Greater Columbus Arts Council Visual Arts Awards Exhibition, works by the recipients of the 2012 GCAC Individual Artist Fellowship Awards, through Sept. 14. George Bellows and the American Experience from Aug. 23-Jan. 4. www.columbusmueseum.org
Hayley Gallery: Off the Beaten Path by Shannon Godby through Sept. 19. www.hayleygallery.com
PM Gallery: Acrylic and mixed media work on paper by Jean Shooter through Sept. 29. www.pmgallery.com
Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery: Poetics of Pattern, works by 13 artists that reflect the many facets of pattern, through Oct. 6. www.riffegallery.org
The Works: Mr. Jim: Growing Art in Our Community, highlighting the work of visual artist Jim Arter and his collaborative projects, through Oct. 12. www.attheworks.org