Keny Galleries: Lowell Tolstedt: Recent Works – Color Drawings, Goldpoints and Silverpoints and Historic Ohio Still Lifes (1865-1945) through June 14. www.kenygalleries.com
Canzani Center Gallery, Columbus College of Art and Design: 134th Annual Student Exhibition through June 14. www.ccad.edu
The Ohio State University Faculty Club: Honest Paintings on Wood by Rick Borg through June 21. www.ohio-statefacultyclub.com
High Road Gallery: The Pure Pigment of Pastel, sponsored by the Ohio Pastel Artists League, through June 22. www.highroadgallery.org
Hammond Harkins Galleries: Songs for a New Millennium, 1812-2012 by Aminah Robinson through June 22. www.hammondharkins.com
Jung Association Gallery: A Retrospective, photography by Laurie von Endt, through June 22. www.jungcentralohio.org
Ohio Craft Museum: Best of 2013 – featuring 99 works in clay, glass, wood, metal, fiber and mixed media by 92 artists – through June 23. www.ohiocraft.org
Lindsay Gallery: Paintings by Wallace Peck through June 25. www.lindsaygallery.com
Art Access Gallery: Abstractions by Alan Crockett, Sharon Dougherty, Judy Favret Friday, Isaure de la Presle, Andrew Ina and Michael Halliday through June 28. www.artaccessgallery.com
Hayley Gallery: The Dog and Pony Show by Nora Daniels through June 28. Off the Beaten Path by Shannon Godby from June 29-Sept. 20. www.hayleygallery.com
PM Gallery: City Lights, urban landscapes by Deane Arnold, through June 30. www.pmgallery.com
ROY G BIV Gallery: Works by Michael Kellner, David Leighty and Chinn Wang from June 1-29. www.roygbivgallery.org
Muse Gallery: New works by gallery artists from June 1-30. www.amusegallery.com
Ohio Art League: Corners of the World by Christine Miller from June 6-27. www.oal.org
Dublin Arts Council: Glass, Color and Light, an exhibition by members of Glass Axis, from June 18-Aug. 2. www.dublinarts.org
Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery: Photography’s Back to the Future through July 7. www.riffegallery.org
The Works: They Still Draw Pictures: Children’s Art in Wartime from the Spanish Civil War to Kosovo through July 13. www.attheworks.org
Hawk Galleries: Predator-Prey by Kari Russell-Pool and Marc Petrovic through July 28. www.hawkgalleries.com
Columbus Museum of Art: Strings Attached: The Living Tradition of Czech Puppets through Aug. 4. www.columbusmuseum.org
Wexner Center for the Arts: Works by Paul Sietsema and MetroPAL.IS, an installation by Shimon Attie on eight flat-screen monitors arranged in a circle, through Aug. 4. www.wexarts.org
Fisher Gallery, Otterbein University Roush Hall: True Story, works in clay by Adena Griffith and Molly Parker Smith, through Aug. 9. www.otterbein.edu
King Arts Complex: The African American Experience, works by 17 African-American artists from Dayton and the Miami Valley, through Aug. 23. www.kingartscomplex.com
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Gorgeous Threads: A World of Textiles, globally produced textiles that identify cultures, through Sept. 1. www.decarts.org