Upper Arlington Concourse Gallery
Gallery Exhibits August 2015
Ohio Art League: Solo exhibition by Mitchell Lippencott at Central Park Apartments through Aug. 10. www.oal.org
The Arts Castle: Delaware Artist Guild Summer Show through Aug. 14. www.artscastle.org
Upper Arlington Concourse Gallery: Divergent Path – work by Jonathan Johnson, Sue King and Frauke Palmer – through Aug. 14. Beyond Limbs & Leaves: Rekindling UA Ash, pieces made from ash wood in an effort to remember effects of the Emerald Ash Borer, from Aug. 20-Oct. 23. www.uaoh.net
Otterbein University Fisher Gallery: daydream, work by Dana Harper, through Aug. 14. Narratives & Storytelling: Ohio Art League’s 2nd Annual Student Juried Exhibition from Aug. 24-Oct. 2. www.otterbein.edu
Pizzuti Collection: Cuban Forever Revisited, a selection of new acquisitions from Cuban artists, and This Just In: New Acquisitions, through Aug. 15. www.pizzuticollection.org
McConnell Arts Center: Inspired Fiber: Nature Abstracted, Art Quilt Alliance and Ruth Ann Mitchell: Time After Time through Aug. 16. www.mcconnellarts.org
Hammond Harkins Galleries: The Story Continues: A Celebration of the Life of Aminah Robinson through Aug. 22. www.hammondharkins.com
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Persistence of Nature, sculpture and paintings by James Mason and encaustics and oils by Karen Rumora, through Aug. 23. www.decartsohio.org
Ohio Craft Museum: On the Page: The Book as Art, interpretations of art books and book art, through Aug. 23. www.ohiocraft.org
Terra Gallery: Summer Salon Show – watercolors by Charles Rowland, oil paintings by Jim Glover and acrylic paintings by Karen Groeniger – through Aug. 26. www.terra-gallery.com
The Ohio State University Faculty Club: New Works, abstract paintings by Sharon Dougherty, through Aug. 28. www.ohio-statefacultyclub.com
Keny Galleries: Tamara Jaeger: Selected Assemblages through Aug. 28. www.kenygalleries.com
Sherrie Gallerie: Duality, mixed-media work by Andrew Lidgus, through Aug. 28. www.sherriegallerie.com
Art Access Gallery: Introductions – featuring work by David Louis, Linda Fischer, Kathy A. Moore, Rod Hayslip, Michael Palmer, Ann O’Brien, Susan Rankin and Barry Todd – through Aug. 31. www.artaccessgallery.com
ROY G BIV Gallery: Multimedia artwork by Ann Bartges and Scott Goss from Aug. 1-29. www.roygbivgallery.org
Cultural Arts Center: No Explanation Needed, mixed-media paintings by Marc Ross, from Aug. 1-29. www.culturalartscenteronline.org
Muse Gallery: New work by Nathaniel Galka at the Hilton Columbus Downtown from Aug. 1-31. www.amusegallery.com
Hayley Gallery: Elegance in Nature, landscapes by Suzanne Robinson, from Aug. 8-Sept. 10. www.hayleygallery.com
Glass Axis: Work by Toledo glass artist Ian Schmidt from Aug. 14-Sept. 26. www.glassaxis.org
Ross Museum of Art, Ohio Wesleyan University: Howard Little: Coming Home and Eric Nation: On and Off the Wall from Aug. 20-Sept. 23. ross.owu.edu
Otterbein University Miller Gallery: Circuitous Routes: The Dresden Series, 1998-2015, prints by Nicholas Hill, from Aug. 24-Oct. 10. www.otterbein.edu
Frank Museum of Art, Otterbein University: Te Busco: Poetic and Visual Collaborations of Pablo Neruda, Nemesio Antúnez, and Roser Bru from Aug. 26-Oct. 9. www.otterbein.edu
Columbus Museum of Art: 2015 Greater Columbus Arts Council Visual Arts Exhibition, Page Turners: The Art of Award-Winning Picturebooks from the Mazza Museum and Remembering Marvin Hamlisch: The People’s Composer through Sept. 6. www.columbusmuseum.org
Angela Meleca Gallery: Summer 2015 Group Show through Sept. 3. www.angelamelecagallery.com
Dublin Arts Council: Eddie Adams: Vietnam through Sept. 11. www.dublinarts.org
Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery: Flashback to Now: OAC Support for Individual Artists, featuring the OAC’s early fellowship recipients dating back to 1979, through Oct. 18. www.riffegallery.org