England Honored
Congratulations to David England for the special recognition he received at the annual Tribute to Veterans concert, hosted by the Pickerington Community Chorus.
David is pictured with Mayor Lee Gray (L), his wife, Glenda, and Cherie Knapp (R), director of the Pickerington Community Chorus.
David has dedicated his life to serving his country and his community. He graduated from Pickerington High School, and then served in the U.S. Air Force from 1960-1964.
In the spring of 1962, he was sent to Christmas Island in the Pacific for a top-secret assignment. The assignment was called Project Dominic and it was to test the upper air atmosphere before and after a bomb drop. Everyone on site was told at the time of the drop to turn their backs and protect their eyes from the flash.
David eventually returned to Pickerington and has served the American Legion Post 283 for 43 years as Post Commander, Chaplain and he is currently Commander of the Post Honor Guard.
David received the Atomic Veterans Medal awarded for unique service in support of nuclear deterrence. He petitioned the State of Ohio to make July 16th National Atomic Veterans Day, which passed both the House and Senate. David also petitioned the state to make Refugee Road from 256 to Pickerington Road the Corporal David A. Johnston Memorial Highway.
David served the City of Pickerington as a council member for many years and was also very involved in youth athletics.
Congratulations Dave and thanks for all that you do!
Crandell Receives STAR Award
Congratulations to Pickerington Police Department Detective Dustin Crandell, who was recently awarded the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office STAR award.
The STAR award represents (S) Selflessness, (T) Teamwork, (A) Accountability and (R) Respect. The officer should be of high ethics, good character and goes above and beyond for the residents within their jurisdiction and Franklin County.
Detective Crandell was presented the award at the annual FCSO Law Enforcement Recognition Dinner.
Mitten Tree Donations
A big thank you to the Pickerington area Girl Scouts for collecting hundreds of items for our annual Mitten Tree(s) project. All items were donated to Fairfield County Job & Family Services and distributed to families in need.
The Mitten Tree was started in 1990 by Pickerington resident Dorothy Steiger. Dorothy passed away in 2005, but the City continues to collect mittens, hats and scarves every year to honor her memory.
Job Opportunities
It’s not too early to start thinking about summer jobs and the best job in Pickerington is at the Pickerington Community Pool! The City will be hiring for all positions, including management, lifeguards and front desk clerks.
Lifeguard positions start at $13/hour and go up based on years of experience. Returning pool staff have an opportunity to progress into a managerial role through committed years of service.
Applicants for management positions must be at least 18 years old and for all other lifeguard positions the minimum age requirement is 16. A complete list of qualifications and job requirements can be found on the City’s website, www.pickerington.net. Upon hiring the City will reimburse those that get the required lifeguard training and certification.
A job with the City of Pickerington, even if seasonally, can earn retirement benefits with the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System.
For more information call 614-833-2211 or to fill out an application, visit www.pickerington.net.
Congratulations to Pickerington Police Detective Sgt. Shaun Mikicic on his graduation from the 292nd session of the FBI National Academy.
Held in Quantico, Virginia, the FBI National Academy course is internationally known for its academic excellence, offering 11 weeks of advanced communication, leadership and fitness training. Those candidates who are chosen to attend this highly selective course must have proven records as professionals within their agencies.
Sgt. Mikicic’s session consisted of people from 48 states, the District of Columbia and Guam. The class also included members of law enforcement agencies from 27 foreign countries, eight military organizations and five federal civilian organizations.
We are tremendously proud of Sgt. Mikicic and his accomplishments!
City Council News
The Pickerington City Council held its annual re-organization meeting recently and Bob McCracken (L) was chosen as the new Council President and Kevin Kemper (R) as the Vice President. City Council meets the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m.
Agendas and minutes for all meetings are available online at www.pickerington.net.