Photo by Scott Cunningham
Being a parent is hard work, and it’s natural to feel irritable some days. It’s important, however, to recognize that too much stress and anxiety can be harmful for impressionable children.
“They pick up on it and take it on as a trait for themselves,” says New Albany counselor Jennifer Piede, who specializes in child or adolescent counseling. “You don’t realize that they are, but when you’re (showing stress) at the home … your kids overhear it. They’re creatures that just want to know everything that’s going on.”
Piede says to practice speaking positively around young children and recognize that habits are hard to break.
“(Work on) not criticizing yourself, and just being more aware,” she says.
If a spouse is causing stress in your children, Piede says don’t blame them. Try to think of ways to tackle the issue together.
“Say something like, ‘Hey, did you know that Timmy is stressed out and really beating himself up?’ and see how they respond,” Piede says. “Go in as a team. It does no good to point fingers and say, ‘You’re the one who’s going to change.’”
Hannah Bealer is an assistant editor. Feedback welcome at ssole@cityscenemediagroup.comssole@cityscenemediagroup.com.