Dublin is proud to be a welcoming city that provides opportunities for all to thrive — regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other social or personal characteristics. Earlier this year, in a display of unity and inclusivity, the City was honored to host an inspiring federal naturalization ceremony.
On May 2, nearly 100 individuals from all walks of life took the last step on their journey to becoming American citizens. With participants ranging in age from 19 to 85 years old, the ceremony demonstrated the pursuit of the American dream across generations.
The group of petitioners represented 42 countries, including Venezuela, Mexico, the Philippines, Nigeria and Iraq. With Chief Judge Algenon Marbley presiding over the ceremony at the Abbey Theater of Dublin, participants took the Oath of Allegiance to become new citizens.
Dublin City Council and various other community members came together to celebrate this milestone for those transitioning from immigrants to United States citizens. The event highlighted the rich cultural diversity in our community and in the surrounding Central Ohio region while creating an atmosphere of warmth and welcome.
It also showcased the participants’ resilience and determination to call America home. From young adults beginning their professional careers to individuals who have already experienced a lifetime of achievements, the ceremony bridged the generational gap, highlighting the shared aspirations of new Americans. Their stories inspire us to continue embracing diversity, fostering unity and upholding the values that define us as a nation.
As we applaud the newest members of our American family, let us remember to embrace individuals of diverse ages and backgrounds, recognizing the value they bring to our community. In turn, the City of Dublin strives to provide value to residents of all ages and experiences through our services and amenities. You can learn more about how Dublin is a great place to enjoy every stage of your life by reading the “Forever Dublin” article in this issue of Dublin Life.
Megan O’Callaghan
Dublin City Manager